
News & Announcements

SOP Newsletter January 2014; Vol.1, Issue 4

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 3:04 PM

Dear e-Library Users,


First I would like to wish you all a happy new year 2014, may it be filled with good health, success and plenty of joyful moments for you and your families.


I would like to announce that the 4th issue of the SOP Newsletter is now available online. This issue includes a summary of four new ACC/AHA cholesterol guidelines in addition to an update in many topics such as women’s health, oncology, psychiatry, pediatrics and many others. New features in this issue are a drug review about rosiglitazone and an article about drug considerations in bariatric surgery. The patient corner is of great interest to all tackling stem cell and therapy application.


To download the PDF file, please click here.


I hope you enjoy reading it.




Best regards,



Michelle Cherfan, Pharm D
Assistant Dean

School of Pharmacy

Lebanese International University

Moussaitbeh - Beirut - Lebanon

Tel: 01-706881/2/3/4 Ext: 1002                   

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